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Chairwoman Elizabeth Kolstad and Fresno Republicans

About Us


Committed to Putting the

Valley First

Our Central Committee includes thirty two members which are all dedicated to our mission, supporting and electing Republican candidates across the County of Fresno. The Republican Party of Fresno County is the official Republican organization in Fresno County. We are an elected body chosen by the Republican Voters of Fresno County.

Fresno County sits in the heart of Central California. The majority of cities are within the bed of the San Joaquin Valley however the county incorporates parts of the Sierra Nevadas and western foothills. Fresno County's largest cities include Fresno and Clovis but has many small towns such as Coalinga and Reedley. The prime and largest industry is Agriculture which drives valley pride as our many farmers and farm workers strive to feed the nation. 

Fresno County and the San Joaquin Valley is home to prominent political figures on both the state and national level. One of the most notable includes former Congressman Devin Nunes, recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, who served as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and is best known for uncovering the Russia and Impeachment Hoax against President Donald Trump. 

Party Platform

We believe in freedom, limited government, opportunity, and security.

1. Smaller Government – When government increases, freedom decreases. People make better decisions than government.

2. More Jobs/Lower Taxes – People should keep more of what they earn and government should keep less which would create more jobs.

3. Against Common Core/Pro School Choice – Parents, not government, should control education and decide where their child goes to school.

4. Immigration – We support legal immigration and ending of federal and state benefits to illegal aliens other than emergency medical care.

5. Value of Life – Protection of life at every stage: unborn, elderly, and disabled.

6. Marriage is between one man and one woman as voted by the people of California.

7. Gun Rights – the right of all Californians to own guns and ammunition for any lawful purpose.

8. Protection – Our nation should have a strong military.


The California Republican Party is based in Sacramento, California and is led by Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson. 


The Republican National Committee is based in Washington, D.C. and is led by Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. 

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